DVDpendence . videophile

the debt


With Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, Tom Wilkinson, Romi Aboulafia, Jessica Chastain, Romi Aboulafia, Marton Csokas

Written by Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman & Peter Straughan (based on the film “Ha-Hov” written by Assaf Bernstein & Ido Rosenblum)

Directed by John Madden

This intriguing thriller tells the tale of three Israeli Mossad secret operatives who staked out a suspected Nazi war criminal working as a gynecologist in East Berlin in 1965. With one of them writing a book and all set to reconvene in present day, details of the operation come to light, and proves to be far more involved than originally believed by all (some of it weighing so heavy as to lead to one of the agents committing suicide). I haven't seen the original work this is based on, but the filmmakers build a tense tale which can at times feel like a TV movie, but ultimately succeeds.

4 / C
- Paul Blom

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
- A - B - C

6 - Volcanic
5 - Blistering
4 - Hot
3 - Smolder
2 - Room Temp.
1 - Fizzled
0 - Extinguished

A: Multiple Viewing Potential
B: Deserves Another Look
C: Once Should Suffice

© 2012 - Flamedrop Productions